Death rates to float, jokes on bones in a box or seven snakes, Princes of frogs, Steven Jarrot, 7605643510 . Jewish and white liars, tips online to share. Thanks to sisters of color. Veterans dated, guys and drools, freaks and frogs, camping on the side of the road, parked at the beach. Land whales out to flip land sharks, to trick or trade, to eat while out for dazes. Friends that have snakes under the skin, crooks and robber, Jewish rites, frogs in glasses, mud views not clear to a sinner or a saint.
Dancing Circles On Beaches: Wind Moves Sunny News
Sunsets Daily Gifts, On the Sands Of Time, dances for joy, dances at the end of day. Sunsets on the beach, life every day. Life is a beach. Life is an adventure, joys for joy, in the setting rays, end of another day. Thanks to the sky, thanks to the sun, thanks to the gods within good times. Happy with the crossroad choices made. Angel Heart: On the dark sides of the moon, on a clouding night, without stars. Dreams, hopes and prayers resting on the clouds. Heaven and hell under the cherry moons, at sunset, after the dazes done on earth. Fairies, pixies, and earth angels, in the sky. Wishes and numbers, dreams in color, power in the magic in the air.

Birds and butterflies, flowers in the dogwood trees, bees buzzing also. Jumping for joy, happy and delighted with paths taken. Out of the darkness of shame and disgraces done, tricked. Land sharks circles to protect from land whales, dancing on land. Hate or love, lessons learned on right and wrong ways to change. Love at the top of the mountains, birds and butterflies, shapes swinging in the winds on high.
Pictures flashing in dreams, free as a bird, mountains tops sights to see. Flying far away from shadows in the dark. Fresh flowers on the dogwood trees. Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure and a gift to share. Good times after classes on the beach, to end: effects never die, no is a note to the next opportunity,windows open. Best snake in den of snakes. Snakes to bake, snakes in skin, seven snakes alive inside. Happiness in Hollywood, for the sinner or saint? First in his family.
Born the day when angels were out of stupid brains, had to use day old stupid instead, has been losing ground since birth. Born to greatness in his herd. Notes of the background, notes on the lifestyle, notes of lessons taught to Steven Jarrot,7605643510 snake: images of the tests, seeds planted while he was younger than dirt, and Jesus Christ. Just another wolf, frog and land whale, oral talents and skills to trade daily. Girlfriends notes with, some fish that got away: rides with a wolf, the leader of the pack. Hell hounds, the good looks fading in the mirror, Steven Jarrot, with green eyes in glasses. A trip to hell in a hand basket, with a hell hound bend on having cake with ice cream. He had glasses covered in mud, with the rose color lenses, always on his face. Blind as a bat since birth, was alway running into walls.
Heaven, sky homes, to sinners and saints, the young at heart. Songs to sings, angels goodness and mercy, wishes for more and better, to grant. Wishes on stars. Lyon to faces under the surfaces, bad seeds, in the hidden messages of Disney . Movies to direct, more home movies with sex, dreams and desires. Monkeys swinging from dogwood trees, Jesuit Charlie. Crooks and cheaters Charles R. Jarrot. 7607778998 dream lives? Life of hardships, schools of hard knocks, trips free to hell, by plane or trains. Freaks Whales Jarrot 2015: butch to date. 562 200 9102.
Cuban transplants-Sima and Jean Paul Jarrot-creators of the Super-sized Rock Stars. Faux Rock Stars-piss offs the whole lot: Steven, Charles R. Jarrot-7607778998-thief by credit cards, real estate, coins and stamps: Rachel and Rocky Jarrot-wide-ass freaks at UCLA-The Real California Cow: Whale of a girl, brains skipped for planes-went to airport to catch a plane. No brains there, just ticket to catch a plane. Happy trails off in the sea blue sunset.
Choices made season done, ashes to dead: Bones in boxes, dad. Paul Jarrot, Charles Edward Jarrot, to visit. Death dance dawn at dusk. Family undead, family unstable, mules, monkey, asses, dance of the dead. Toys for the kid, old and young, male or female, fun and games, gifts for the good, bad, and nasty. Freaks that cum out at night, vamps and the undead and unstable. Ready for dream woman for Steven Jay Jarrot, 7608512267 the slave for the oral delights of a fool? Trips to hell and back.GDLKG BI MALE ISO FEMALE OR COUPLE TO PNP 47 , Rach Jay, lovers Rachel Butch, Rachel Wigsout, dances in the dark, ghosts and spooks.
True love is waiting, posted for a black female or Spanish connection, travels by RV, and has attraction for a princess he created and you will have to share everything with her or for her , and what she wants is top of the list for things to do with him. Image of cow to buffalo on his car, RV, on his clothes, and it is the story of the girl of his dreams, perfection here on earth. Rocks his world, and yours also if you have time and attention to spare. Just another fairy tale, right?
Fish Tales, Red Wine, Water And Wine, good times, joy to the world. Time to close the door, 2015 done, happy dazes again, glory dazes done, Rach Jay,hand out Rachel Hunt, Rachel Jarrot, Rachel Walker, Cali Girls, dogface butterflies. Time is a wheel, time is a clock, time never stop, wheels and time, moving on. Dances in darkness, dances with dreams, dances on the sands of time. Happy feet, song and dances, fires buring, hopes high, wishes and dreams, hot and heated, birds and bees, flowers in trees, happy dazes again, glory dazes done.
Starr Bright tonight, blue stars bright tonight, wishes, dreams and hopes hopping for places to land. Granted to the goodness and mercy angels here for the corrections to the mistakes made, two year cycle done already. Lessons learned not completed, have to start the cycle again with the mistakes corrected. Into the woods, dark shadows, trees and roots,nuts on ground, dogwood trees. Art work, back to draw, hope for changes. Pictures of time, monkeys gone, good times, things to do.
Trees Burning, Dogwood Trees, Hanging Trees, Jesus Christ, Richard Alexander Bailey, Back At Home. Thanks to god, thanks to March, Roman Gods, Green Leaves, Green Phyllis, branches of good luck. Thanks goodness and mercy, angels to lead, angels everywhere, my dreams, dancing, daily events.
Love, life lessons, dreams in the works, hopes and wishes for the homes for veterans. Prey for crooks, cheaters, liars, tales in the winds. Walks in the woods, walks in the darkness, hands to hold, knights to stand, wishes and drems in actions.Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄
ReplyDeleteStronger for the classes.Freaks, frogs, and retards, faces of cows, faces of freaks on the west coast, escapees from NY. Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns, Love, Hate, Luck, Lights, Coins To Flip.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Turkeys with...tricks, trades, brains lost in the winds.Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments. Life Is A Beach. Time running away with me.Happy Birthday! Party and Drink Hard Tonight!
Games Played, Rabbits And Snakes, Good Times. Man In Blue, Marines In Best Suit, Uncle Sam, thanks so much, G. I. Joes.Disney clowns Shows:Movies to direct, more home movies with sex, dreams and desires. Family of mine. Monkeys swinging from dogwood trees, Jesuit Charlie. Crooks and cheaters Charles R. Jarrot. Thanks, dream lives to share. Life of hardships, Trailer trash?
Cash to share with ...My Future in the Media World: Uncertain, but certainly exciting. 😩💙🌊 🌊💙🐚Blame it on my mermaid soul Across The Decades,Family Affairs,Nuts On The Go.Golden Calf: What beef? Sheep And Goats, Dancers. Heads To Count, Views, Voices, Values, Horns, Hats, Hoes, Waves For The Pits, Dances With Wolves. Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Good Time Toads