Sunday, August 16, 2015

Clowns Rites: Funny Faces, Cum Shots, Steven Jarrot

Clown Shows: Movies to direct, more home movies with sex, dreams and desires, land whales. Family of mine. Monkeys swinging from dogwood trees, Jesuit Charlie, Charley Jarrot, Jesus Christ? Dances with snakes....Crooks and cheaters Charles R. Jarrot, cash or credit snake in house. Thanks, dream lives to share. Life of hardships, Trailer trash?Rachel and Steven Jarrot 562 200 9102,  Trash man, treats and tips?  7608512267 RV Specials?Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance.

Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different,  notes to share, better than crazy for free. Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns left, only jokers in the house. Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin. Tricks and trade, junk and shit, bags of dung, suckers to cum. Happy and gay lifestyle, cows and buffalo, fruits and nuts to go. Dances on the beach, dances in the dark, dancing done to death. Trips around the dogwood trees.

Faces in a crowd, faces in the dark, faces covered up, happy events. Cartoon hits, cat and mouse games, horse and pony shows, bumps in the road, people lost in space. Happy and sad, gifts of tales to share, lights on for next season of classes on the sands of time. Trips to hell and back, time on crosses, time to shine. Sheep and Goats, Horns On Head, Horns to blow, dances on sands of time. Monkey see, and monkey do, trips around the dogwood trees. Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.

Horns on a Goat: Good times to share, the bumps in the road, lessons learned. Love  the love of the a man is what this is about, and how much do you take in the line of devotion, and how can you turn off the lies, that grew because of a lack of understanding. This is another story, a fairy tale, about the Jewish Prince of Frogs, and how he got placed in that position, and the views that were not shared by the other members of the family, and it is a matter of getting the word out there. So is it done to bring joy and pleasures not, it is done to  hard knocks.

Dream life as rock stars, white, Jewish freaks, to sit and spin a tale or two for the cum of the matter. Suckers on the wide side, whales on land, good looks, whips and chains to party and play the night away. Undead and unstable zombies, vamps, and hell hounds, to sing songs around the beach fires burning. Searches for easy lays, searches for prey on the beach, party and play to death, games to play.

Fake friends, fake faces flashing for the good times on the wide side of the shades of gray, hints of blackness, gray dazes in the rain. Learn to dance tin the rain, wait for the rain to stop, not in this life. Happy and delighted with the good, bad and ugly pieces of a dream, gifts daily for the joys and pains of the pits in the bowls of cherries, gifts to share of the bend roads with the frogs, freaks, and horses racing in the wind, on the sands of time. Happy and delighted with the tales, tips,stories about the freaks out at night, take the good tales with the sad tales, and the levels of truthfulness and honesty. Same for you, and the whales on land, gifts of lies in colors, with rose colored glasses on for the bend and twisted views of the truth. Views and noses is something that we all have, twisted and bend is the way written, for the colors of black, and the shades of white in the shadows.

Wisdom Walks Daily: Angels, Horns To Blow, Goats And Sheep, Rest And Recover daily events. Spooks out, time spent hands to help others, goodness and mercy, angels out. Lights and stars, darkness in sky, stars to shine, trips to moons and back, glory dazes done, joy to the world. Out of the dark, out of the rain,boxes of joys and pains,bumps in road, cherry pits dried. Classes of love and hate, goats and sheep, animals with horns, love and hate, tales to spin, good times.

Time is a wheel, time is a clock, time never stop, wheels and time, moving on. Dances in darkness, dances with dreams, dances on the sands of time. Happy feet, song and dances, fires buring, hopes high, wishes and dreams, hot and heated, birds and bees,  flowers in trees, happy dazes again, glory dazes done. Starr Bright tonight, blue stars bright tonight, wishes, dreams and hopes hopping for places to land. Granted to the goodness and mercy angels here for the corrections to the mistakes made, two year cycle done already. Lessons learned not completed, have to start the cycle again with the mistakes corrected.

Sad songs of fools and frogs, stuck on stupid. Pack of wolves, snakes in dens, fake friends,Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others. Crooks and cheaters Charles R. Jarrot, cash or credit snake in house. Tales of sinners with saints, thanks for blue light specials, wishes on blue stars. Thanks, dream lives to share. Life of hardships, bumps in the road, tricks to sell, barter or trade. Trailer trash?Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998 with daddy, Steven Jarrot 7608512267.

 To lie, to cheat, to point fingers at others, lights on trash cans, lights on deeds and actions. History of acts, history of lies, his story filled with holes. Pictures tell stories well. Date for a trip to hell, good times with clowns to the left. Trash man, treats and tips?  7608512267 RV Specials?Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance. Sad songs of fools and frogs, stuck on stupid.

Dances with wolves, dances in the dark, dances in the woods. Woods filled with dogwood trees, birds and dogwood butterflies. Monkey, snakes and frogs, on the branches in the woods, banches on the dogwood trees. Good times, rewards and bonus for snakes, tales and stories. Trips to hell, time on cross, hanging from dogwood trees. Pack of wolves, snakes in dens, fake friends,Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others. Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy or insane. Crazy fine, insane better, out of your mind common.

Time to tales,  time to tell, blue birds singing, female veterans black lost and alone. Family dead,friends dead, alone in the dark. Snakes in dens in the woods,wolves in parks, tricks and trades in the woods. Snakes, frogs and wolves tales in the woods, on the beaches, in the hills with jackasses and donkeys. Trips to hell to share.

  Crooks and cheaters Charles R. Jarrot, cash or credit snake in house. Tales of sinners with saints, thanks for blue light specials, wishes on blue stars. Thanks, dream lives to share. Life of hardships, bumps in the road, tricks to sell, barter or trade. Good times on the bad sides of town, stuck without gas or money. Tricks and trades for cum, oral experts at night, bags of shit to trade, turns on faces of freaks. Tip to date?

Gifts to share, tips and tales, clowns shows and dances. Lessons to learn, hard knocks instead, tricks and trades. Trailer trash?Sheri  and Sima Jarrot 562 200 9102,  Trash man, treats and tips?  7608512267 RV Specials?Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance the nights away. Good times, fast rides, clowns to date, in the darkness in the shadows, low standards of truth and honesty, jokers and poker players to the right, free rides to hell and hardships.

  1. Jokes and Laughs. Steven and Rachel Jarrot. Swingers with Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, monkeys in dogwood trees, to hang or to gang bang, monkeys here cum suckers. Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always. You can share your views are not, these are written history, in the hills and valley, family members, after life on earth. Paul and Charlie Jarrot, with the sisters to fuck, Rach Jay, Rach Jarrot, Rachel Gay Jarrot, coins to flip.  Cartoon Hits, Big Fat Butches, to Bitches,  land whales to date, classes on love and hate. Classes on the beaches, in Santa Monica-College, point sets. Truthful and honesty just punch lines to share in the jokes told around the fires on the sand and surf, beaches to love all over the world. Happy and gay lifestyle fine for the tricks, trades and exchanges done in the RV camping, for the cash, gas and ass desired for a better life. 

Land whales, clowns to dance, snakes on dogwood trees, in the wind. Sad songs of fools and frogs, stuck on stupid. Pack of wolves, snakes in dens, fake friends,Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others. Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy or insane. Crazy fine, insane better, out of your mind common.

 Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance. Sad songs of fools and frogs, stuck on stupid.

Pack of wolves, snakes in dens, fake friends.
Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others.
 Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy or insane.
Crazy fine, insane better, out of your mind common.
Cry for the wolves, last dazes, rites

Life is a beach, life is an adventure, life in the shade. Joys and pains with the rocks on the sand, hard knocks to share. Classes on the beach, friends and dates, fun and food in the sun. Games and classes of friends, fish in the seas, sailers and doctors dated. Joy in the mornings, joy and pleasures, dances in the sun. Sunny and bright dazes to share, paths crossed on the sands.

Seasons reasons and causes, friends today, friends forever. Dreams in motions, farmers and cowboys, dances in dreams. Life of dreams on the beach, pictures for the windows open, life on the beach. Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view. More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a life time in the past.

Flip the coins, flip the cards, lessons for the poker players here and now, changes to the game in place. Dreams of a lifetime bigger than the mistakes of love and devotion, of a man and a woman, and the bumps in the road. Changes and chances are tools of the trades of the world, used a lot of time in ways different for the people that act on deeds of kindness or deeds for a personal agenda.

Daily Notes, Help Your Mothers, Love Yourself, Help Your Fathers, Make A Plan. GIVE MORE, Time for stands, Rules of hate and love, love and hate horns of goats, cows in open ranges. Wisdom Walks Daily: Angels, Horns To Blow, Goats And Sheep, Rest And Recover daily events. Spooks out, time spent hands to help others, goodness and mercy, angels out. Lights and stars, darkness in sky, stars to shine, trips to moons and back, glory dazes done, joy to the world. Out of the dark, out of the rain,boxes of joys and pains,bumps in road, cherry pits dried. Classes of love and hate, goats and sheep, animals with horns, love and hate, tales to spin, good times.

Once Back In The Day, Dicks and Dawgs, came to play, drugs on the table, party and play, life on the beach, with Steven Jarrot, land whale, Jewish Frog Army Leader, Cum Sucker, Expert on Craigslist, history of oral talents, used in his family of monkeys, girls like his mother, his kid, and lover for 15 years, Rach Jay, dyke out of the box. Facebook jokes, Facebook clowns, Facebook poker players, Sima and Steven Jarrot, lovers of cum to share, after dinner treats.Hands Out, Hands Up, Helping Hands to turn, luck around, coins on the table. Time to get back up, time to turn around, time to write about more things, not the things unable to change, to write about the frogs and snakes, shades of colors never to change. Help for the lost causes, help for the girls with red hood, off to the beaches, off to grandmother's house, give and take a few minutes for the lost, displaced, and the homeless veterans. 


  1. more tips on tribe members, snakes in the house, movie stars, porn that is, history online, created to catch a snake or two. Good times, party and play? achellyn1010 : | Twicsy - Twitter ... Steven Jay Jarrot-760 851 2267- Rachel and Sheri fucks. ... Steven Jay Jarrot-760 851 2267- Rachel and Sh… - 2014-07-09 01:36:23.
    Lyon Sacks of Shit: September 2014 7608512267-fake friend, boy friend to hold on to for ?house with dogs ... words of snake charmer-Steve Jarrot-7608512267: Not a cheater is: Steven Jarrot 7608512267 Hogs and cattle, freaks and frogs, cum suckers in herds of wolves dressed like sheep.
    Steven Jay Jarrot: 7608512267: Gay and happy, full of hot air, pitchers to cum, lots of cum to sucker, catcher to date. Good times out of gas, ass to big, whale on land. ... Steven Jay Jarrot: 7608512267: Gay and happy, full of hot air, buller shiter, shit flying now...I AM VERY GLAD TO SAY MY LITTLE BUTCH, ...
    Standards Set | Brighter Dazes 2014 True blue: Steven Jay Jarrot:7608512267: Love and devotion bent and twisted with 8 letter words like faithful and bullshit, and the world of ...
    Find people with reverse phone lookup and cell ... - Intelius (760) 851-2267 ...
    will you love the man outside your religion? why? | Yahoo Answers
    No endless email . im looking.760 851 2267 How much is a lack of knowledge worth in today's market of fools, frogs, and the members of the ...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/25/15
    New Dazes of Pains: Clowns Rites 7608512267 RV Specials?Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and ...
    Join POST YOUR PROPERTIES HERE - The Linkedin group
    On that note,760-851-2267,for locations for the gift cards for the donotions you may want to do.It's Friday have a safe and joyful weekend.
    Rebirths and Birthdays: Funny Frogs
    Land whales Steven and Sheri Jarrot, 7608512267 crooks and robbers. Princess Frog |

  2. Meth RV Camper
    All I can say is that it is a great day to be alive, and on the right side of the grave, thankful for a new life, without Steven Jarrot: 7608512267-and the life of hardships that he has to offer. At one time he may have been a kind, decent, considerate dream partner, but now and today he is just another snake in the grass. Wits, charms and graces also includes treats by text to cut fingers off of funny people with different views on him and what he stand for. Nothing but s sucker, crook, cheater, and a life time of fun and games, with coins and cards to flip for a better day. Hopes and wishes for a brand new faces to share, but the masks and fake friend of a lifetime does not get it. Heaven or hell, is a state of mind for me, and the others that are able to see more in the light of day.

    Happy and gay is the lifestyle to share, lies to the tight and narrow people, room for a freak in the house could be a lot of work, snakes in the hen houses, is a warning of signs to fall on the left side of the grave. Changes not welcome, super-size freak, would like to believe he and Rachel Jarrot, Sheri Jarrot, and Charles R. Jarrot, are gods, and gifts of joy and pleasures, searching always to cum to suck on all the time, male or female for the cum dumps frogs at night, hopping for gold? Happy and gay, for the dream life to fuck and suck live away, camping on the edges of life. Something to share with the weak, displace veterans are the best targets for them.

    Have had time to turn the page, to better dazes, no more trips in an old 1986 RV, that looks good in sand colors, still dated with problems that comes with time and distance for RV. Cycles of good times, cycles of broken pieces, stuck in a parking lot, waiting to trick or trade for the cash needed for repairs, is something that happens often. Questions on the houses for the snake charmer, Steven Jarrot: 7608512267, houses where the RV can be parked never used? Fucking and sucking in Upland, Monclair, better than Indio or Palm Springs, what a life parked on the side of the road, waiting for the cops, or tricks to trade? Same story, different dazes, life to dream about, just watch those views you share, could get acid in your face, or your fingers cut off, or thrown from a moving car. Share the charms and graces at your own risk.

    Would be nice to see a new face on the snake charmers, freaks, and cattle in the tribe of Wide-ass, Jewish fools and freaks, for a brighter day, just dreams to actions will do, living life in a blue state of mind. Goodness and mercy to follow the acts of kindness of the displaced, confused, transitional veterans, and earth angels, searching for light, and a way out of the darkness, in the valleys.

  3.  Crooks and cheaters Charles R. Jarrot, cash or credit snake in house. Tales of sinners with saints, thanks for blue light specials, wishes on blue stars. Thanks, dream lives to share. Life of hardships, bumps in the road, tricks to sell, barter or trade. Good times on the bad sides of town, stuck without gas or money. Tricks and trades for cum, oral experts at night, bags of shit to trade, turns on faces of freaks. Tip to date?

    Gifts to share, tips and tales, clowns shows and dances. Lessons to learn, hard knocks instead, tricks and trades. Trailer trash?Sheri and Sima Jarrot 562 200 9102, Trash man, treats and tips? 7608512267 RV Specials?Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance the nights away. Good times, fast rides, clowns to date, in the darkness in the shadows, low standards of truth and honesty, jokers and poker players to the right, free rides to hell and hardships.

    Jokes and Laughs. Steven and Rachel Jarrot. Swingers with Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, monkeys in dogwood trees, to hang or to gang bang, monkeys here cum suckers. Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always. You can share your views are not, these are written history, in the hills and valley, family members, after life on earth. Paul and Charlie Jarrot, with the sisters to fuck, Rach Jay, Rach Jarrot, Rachel Gay Jarrot, coins to flip. Cartoon Hits, Big Fat Butches, to Bitches, land whales to date, classes on love and hate. Classes on the beaches, in Santa Monica-College, point sets. Truthful and honesty just punch lines to share in the jokes told around the fires on the sand and surf, beaches to love all over the world. Happy and gay lifestyle fine for the tricks, trades and exchanges done in the RV camping, for the cash, gas and ass desired for a better life.

  4. Charles R. Jarrot-7607778998-thief by credit cards, real estate, coins and stamps: Rachel and Rocky Jarrot-wide-ass freaks at UCLA-The Real California Cow: Whale of a girl, brains skipped for planes-went to airport to catch a plane. No brains there, just ticket to catch a plane.

    Happy trails off in the sea blue sunset. Candy and treats for the frogs and the snakes in grass, once a snake always a snake, skin to be removed for the good times as a crook, cheater, and liar, lessons learned during lifestyle on the down low. Moses and Jesus songs to sing daily gifts in dazes stoned up against the walls, tales to share.

    Gifts to share, tips and tales, clowns shows and dances. Lessons to learn, hard knocks instead, tricks and trades. Trailer trash?Sheri and Sima Jarrot 562 200 9102, Trash man, treats and tips? 7608512267 RV Specials?Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell.

    Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance the nights away. Good times, fast rides, clowns to date, in the darkness in the shadows, low standards of truth and honesty, jokers and poker players to the right, free rides to hell and hardships.

  5. How would it make you feel, to know that you and your life does not matter enough to the people that you live with, to get you a key to the door to the house that you live in? These people are to have been the replacement of the sorrows of the natural parents, and given to people that cannot find the time to act like a family, with meals together at all? At the age of seventeen this minor, has been known to be locked out of the house to wander the stores in Moreno Valley Mall, until the Clyde Lawless and his wife Mary Lawless return home from football games .

    Faces In The Mirror, Heads Buried, Tales Told, Winners, Saints, Sinners, Coins To Flip, Cards To Read, Dances On The Sands Of Time, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love. Dances In The Clouds, Lions, Tigers, And Bears, Oh My, Mountain Views, Voices In My Head, Values For The Sinners, Saints, Snakes In Grass, Cattle Drives, Faces In The Herds.Ready for the Manners Series: Manners For Millions-Based on Sophie Hadida 1932 View Update for 2012.LoL hahahaha 😂 🤣Freaks In The Night, Snakes In The Grass, Spiders And Worms, Dust In The Wind, Dream Life In A Coffin.
